The Intersection Between Branding and Domain Names
Your brand is your business – the sum total of all the messages your firm gives out to the world in words, images, and deeds. A brand is a promise made to customers about the business. Customers create brands based on their experiences with your company. You can influence your brand by creating certain experiences for your customers.
Your domain name should support your company’s branding online. Domain names are frequently typed into search engines, used in advertising and in other marketing materials. Think of your branded domain as if you could name your office building after your company; you’re creating a branded space online just for your business, a place online that will become recognizably “yours.” That starts with choosing a domain name that reflects your brand.
Choosing Your Primary Domain
The primary domain name is the main domain name you’ve chosen for your company or business. Think of it as the central launching point for all your internet marketing activities. Many firms choose to use their corporate name for their primary domain, adding keywords onto it to build the brand images online.
Brand Architecture and Domain Names
Another key consideration when choosing domain names for branding purposes is the overall brand architecture of your firm. Companies with multiple product or service divisions may find that one product or service garners more brand awareness among consumers than others. In that case, trying to squash all of the company’s brands under one corporate umbrella may actually hurt their branding efforts, since the brand equity or awareness is in one product line. Keeping each product as its own branded domain name, or the recognizable product name as part of the corporate
Brand Equity and Search Engine “Juice”
One last consideration when choosing your domain name is whether or not a particular branded term you own has a lot of brand equity or brand recognition among your customers. Is they’re already searching for your products by name, then using the product name in a domain name makes great sense.
Web Design of Palm Beach offers expert help with domain names, website hosting and website development. Call us at 561.262.5886